WordPress and Greasemonkey

Customizing WordPress with Greasemonkey, I expect to see a lot more of this in the future. Any other GM scripts for WP? Hat tip: Billy via email.

7 thoughts on “WordPress and Greasemonkey

  1. I always have a heap of draft posts with ideas etc that I plan on writing eventually in WordPress. I made this greasemonkey script so that on the WP edit.php and post.php if you mouse over the link to edit the draft for a second, it overlays a div on the page showing you the content of that post, without having to open it up. Saves me heaps of time 🙂


    Its pretty ugly code – just put it together for myself.. but I plan on cleaning it up etc soon.

  2. Mr. Speaker, very very useful script. Thanks for that, but you need to edit the URI’s a little. In place of yourdomain.com, it should just be *.
    Thanks for the link Matt.